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tv   [untitled]    March 30, 2013 6:00am-6:30am PDT

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arab loves us. i don't want to see anything -- that [inaudible]. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon supervisors stop the corporate rate of our public library. don't give up money or don't accept money from the public library. from the turn from ripping off public assets while creating the elusion they are donating money. my gratification are the actual public documents and the story of how to public is being ripped off is readily confirmed. when the friends of the library originally claimed they would raise $6 million for the branch library they had assets of $23 million. they had
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a net asset of $8.9 million. it has net lost assets of $11 million. the library administration that the funds it has to carry out any function of the library was only $4.9 million. this means the income of $40 million, the library received only 43.2 of reduction in assets. this private group has no yeement agreement with the city because of the relationship off -- rip of the labor -- library at the
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expense of the public. do we want to send a message to the rest of our society and children that our faith on our public institutions and democracy, having me arrested does not solve problems and the lives cost more than the money. >> thank you, next speaker. >> board of supervisors, know your rights under the sunshine ordinance is printed on the agenda for each board of supervisors and it's committees and also on every public meeting agenda that the city holds. even if you know those rights, don't they expect to have them acknowledged or respected by the clerk of this board. the sunshine ordinance task force has ruled repeatedly and clearly on the issue of placing 150 word summaries in the body of the minutes,
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addendums are not acceptable. >> address your comments to the full board. talk to us >> i am talking to the board about your clerk. please don't interrupt me. i don't interrupt you. >> miss akkad she wants so desperately to sensor public comments. willful ignorance of what one ought to know is immortal sin. her actions are unlawful under the sunshine ordinance by the task force on at least 5 different cases. miss akkad yo that her will full failure is considered official misconduct. she simply
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doesn't care about anyone's right under the sunshine ordinance. the brown act. california constitution or the constitution of the united states. she simply doesn't give a damn. the ethics commission, the library commission, the police commission and the arts commission have all changed their policy and placed the 450 words summary in the body of the minutes with multiple rulings of the task force and miss akkad is stubborn back to the task force for the hearing. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> president chiu, board of supervisors, i come every once in a while. i represent the tenderloin walking tours. i want to invite new members of the board who i haven't met yet to come out and walk the
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tenderloin with me. i do about 4 tours a week. so far this year i have done about 450 people. they are doing a documented travel in germany next month and a section in the sacramento bee. i'm trying to demystify the tenderloin. i would like to invite you all when you get a chance to come out. you can get the information from supervisor kim or president chiu. they both know me. i would like to see you come out and get a different side of the area. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> mr. chiu and members of the supervisors, my name is -- closer? my name is amber baker. i am a native of san francisco. my grandchildren are
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6 generation and i sit on the designs zoning of russian hill neighbors and as you know, this is spring break for many in the country and we have a very large pops of visitors this week and always. and when they finish their lovely trip down the lom bard. i want you to see the view they are going to enjoy. i'm coming today to encourage my supervisors to make undergrounding of utilities a priority of all of san francisco for all of us, the residents, the visitors, the world. the time is now to start a plan to get this done to finish the job we started. thank you. thank you, next speaker.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is douglas, and i have lived in san francisco for 61 years. hopefully the carnival is successful. if it isn't, i'm going to chalk it up as a continuing process. second, there is one person missing from the seat. the same person in my opinion that led to the cancellation of last week's 2 committee hearings. in my opinion that is real disservice because that is such a public and important committee and also for the record, i would like to ask the mayor how he chose those two supervisors for the irish trip rather than the other supervisors. i would like an explanation on that. in
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regards to cronyism and nepotism, many have seen a pattern in district 4 and 7. in my opinion, that is what it's been. i encourage to make a change in district 7. district 7 has controversial in the last two cycles. we would like to keep the guy we voted for. if anyone has any ideas of making any appointments or changes, please be noted for the record that it's not going to happen. also, i would like to bring up the subject of why there are so many committee hearings being canceled at city hall. in my opinion, either you don't have enough work or you can't handle the work you got. i really get tired of listening to all the fancy excuses when i
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go to the official reason why the meeting was canceled. if you don't show up for work, let's stop you and we'll see how many meetings get canceled after you are docked. >> next speaker. >> hello, my name is randy tran. i'm a student from the san francisco state university. i just want to make a comment that it was very moving and it was a hard touching moment for me today to witness the board presenting an award to pastor roads for his achievements in the community. it was very inspiring and motivating. and i just think that we should be able to find such people in throughout the community, throughout the city to present
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such award to ward them for their lifetime achievements to the community. they really make the community better as a whole and i know that the more you probably present such award to more people it's less prestigious of an award maybe but i'm sure there are people that have contributed very much to many profound changes to the community and they should be, i believe they should be awarded as well. it really inspires. as you can see pastor had a lot of family here in the crowd. i'm sure that made him really happy. i don't know him but i'm really happy and it just really motivates one to just have a different outlook on life and
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possibly backup a piece of liter on the ground and give a smile to a stranger on a random day. really, it's really beautiful to see such a thing today. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> mr. president, members of the board, quite often i see a situation that seniors who are trying to get the bus to whenever they have to go and despite of their age and their inability to walk pass like before they are our neighbor. i
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see where the bus drivers do not have the compassion to wait for these people. this is what brings me here today. i have fallen to such a time and again. this entire board to do something on the behalf of seniors. seniors voted for you all. all we are asking is
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something be done to rectify what is wrong with the transportation and the senior. the bus driver could wait a few minutes because let's say he pull up and runs -- they have to wait [inaudible]. >> thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who wish to speak in public comment? >> to tell you the truth satan has been loose. he's in the temple of god and pastor roads has been commended for marrying homosexuals. if any man -- i or
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you are under the commandments of the lord. for even the women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another, men with men and receiving in themselves that error and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge. i saw the pastor praying and i said you are actually worshipping satan. i wanted to read this to them and they walked off. you are shaking your head. it says in second the devil has been loose. on may 21st, even though
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chronology was wrong, jesus spoke of it in matthew -- they don't understand that satan has been loose. he has and jesus is coming back and you are all going to hell. you really are. you are worshipping the devil. >> thank you very much. are there any others who wish to speak for public comment? seeing none. >> item 20 are being considered
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for adoption. unless a member objects, a matter can be removed and considered separately. >> colleagues would any of you like to serve any of these items? >> okay. seeing none, let's take a roll call on items 20. tang, supervisor yee, supervisor avalos, supervisor breed, aye, campos aye, ferrel, aye, kim aye, supervisor mar. aye. there are 11 ayes. >> today's meeting will be adjourned for the late deputy city attorney mr. mark curts. >> do we have anymore business in front of the board?
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>> that concludes our business for today. >> ladies and gentlemen, we are adjourned for this meeting of march 26, 2013. >> >> good morning. i want is start by that thanking mayor lee for starting first. there
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are two stories today, the one you read about in the papers today, the deal and the process. the deal, the transaction i believe is a win win for the city of san francisco and for the medical center and the center health system. by the name, my name is gerardo. this agreement ruts results in a significantly larger hospital. 120 beds. a significantly smaller hospital. 255 beds. saint luke's hospital will be 25 of all the cpmc. it
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will continue to provide the level of care with no financial conditions or projections and i think we have solved what was an issue and initiated on the side of the hospital. over and above the on going care obligation of the hospital. the agreement is $90 million for cash benefit and others related to health care, affordable housing and pedestrian safety. that's an overview of the deal and you will hear, i'm going to be to make some acknowledgements an those that negotiated the contract, the development agreement as to
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specifics. the process was one that i came into with somewhat or some bit of trepdation. i have been involved and know what i know from the board of supervisors from what i read in the newspapers. i was concerned about what it would be like to work with these young people who are responsible for the legislative function of our government. i also realized that by san francisco definition that i was dealing with supervisors of three different levels, left, middle and right. and i need to say today that i have never been so impressed in my life by politicians to watch them come
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together as one and to develop a strategy along with a hospital team for the common good. [ applause ] >> we developed together a process that was transparent. the members of the board of supervisors and the members of the team were able to see all the numbers, budgets, projections and brought in expertise to verify those numbers were real number. we got educated together. we politicized together and then we built trust. i'm not saying it's perfect trust, but we built trust. so i would like to single out david chu, david
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campos and mark ferrel for the great job they did. [ applause ] >> the mayor's office in particular a great deal of debt. he did a great job. i just don't know who i'm going to talk at midnight anymore. [ laughter ] . i also want to thank people from the department of public health and others from the mayor's office. but colleen chav an and wagner were instrumental in helping us understand the projections and understand the construction cost, etc. i would also want to acknowledge the hospital team, mike, warn browner. ceo of
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cpmc, [ applause ] george, i want to say is it w u. and john gates creative cfo who works at the hospital and the chairman of the board mr. bob -- [ applause ] . throughout this process, i had the luxury of a number of people helping and counseling me and encouraging me, but i would like to particularly thank bishop mark andrews who has been a tremendous supporter of saint lukes. and last but
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not least, i want to thank the san francisco coalition. we, as part of our process had meetings with the coalition in my office, their executive committee that varied from 10-13 in size from meeting to meeting and also their liaison mr. mark kumar who kept everyone a price apprised of what we were doing. i know that san francisco is still a city that knows how and wants the city to work and cares about each other. congratulations to san francisco. i want to introduce our fine mayor ed lee. [ applause ] . >> thank you. i yelled out wife and family to make sure that
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there was a way in which to acknowledge the tremendous sacrifice that lou gerardo has given. when you see construction workers, you know something big is going to happen. it has in the same level of excitement that i have seen in the rebuilding of general hospital and the uc medical center. every time we touch our health care system, we have something that promises a better life for people and barbara is as excited for this announcements as well. saint luke's are incredible institutions for san francisco. that's why we thought it would be best for the whole city to make this project happen because of the laws of the
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state of california that require that seismic upgrade of our health institutions, because of the tremendous pressure to improve san francisco and bay area and the economical structures that face this hospital and so many other hospitals. the job is never done. this is an announcement of where we are today, but we have to get this thing built, we have to make sure it's furnished like we are working on to make sure everything happens at a time when there is economic pressure and institutions coming from national decision that don't necessarily compliment the economic recovery that we are experiencing in the bay area. so, i want to put this into perspective for one great acknowledgment that i want to make is that this was not easy
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to do. lou's assignment here and i don't know why he took this up because it really accounted for hundreds of hours of his time to keep everybody at the table , but it is an acknowledgment that i want to make to thank the board president chu, and supervisor ferrel. each and everyone of them to say this would not have gotten done without their direct involvement. yes, i started some of the things and i was excited a year ago when we thought we had and agreement but realizing the hospital and this hospital reconfirmed for the future was important. we
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didn't have that agreement a year-and-a-half go and we had to put together a process to make it happen these three supervisors came together and they essentially made it happen with the support of ken rich and others and public health and so many others. lou's penetration, his workability, i have to say, when they got close and i heard they got close, i had to go down and get that clam chowder and sour dough bread to assure myself that it was happening in our city. it takes strong personalities, it takes incredible amount of effort to depoliticized these issues. by the way, when you hear the real stories and they will probably come out, somebody will leak something, there was more than one time where everybody felt
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justified in walking away and i'm glad they found reasons to come back because these are important for our city and the needs of this area. it would not have been done without the board of supervisors and gaining the insight lou was creating for us. i would like to let the supervisor speak to what their passion was in keeping their focus together on it, but to say to you that it's an incredible time for the city. these are major health care institutions that we have. this will lead to hundreds of jobs for the city, permanent, long-term jobs, but ultimately, it will be another great brick in the whole health